
The evolution of connected worker software, how industrial transformation leaders are meeting modern challenges with a generation of tools.

Beginning in mid-2022 and now increasing in 2023, there is a significant trend of companies moving away from earlier investments in connected worker software tools to Augmentir’s Connected Worker Platform.

Early adopters and pioneers of V1.0 connected worker tools and technology deserve respect for leading the charge into Industry 4.0 and the concept of a connected workforce. However, we also admire those leaders who realized there are more transformations and improvements to make – such as value in the data from your connected workers and incorporating AI-driven solutions to make sense of that data. These innovative leaders dared to adapt, continue innovating, and replace the connected worker software systems that were not solving enough of the challenges faced by the modern workplace.

darwin in manufacturing

By combining AI-powered software and smart connected worker solutions, manufacturers are able to get next-level results and improve frontline worker productivity, engagement, and safety.

Following in the Footsteps of Industrial Transformation Leaders

According to LNS Research (a leading analyst firm in defining the connected worker space), the business case for connected worker software continues to grow, and solutions that incorporate emerging technologies like AI are leading the way. In fact, LNS states that Industrial Transformation Leaders (IX Leaders) are two times more likely to use AI-enabled advanced analytics capabilities. These leading manufacturers are supporting their frontline operations with AI-based technology for training and skills development, real-time worker performance support, and providing dynamic and personalized content.

Here at Augmentir, we have seen quite a few companies that fall into the category of the courageous, understanding that they needed to continue adapting for their business to thrive.

We have been honored to be recently chosen by several global leaders as their connected worker V2.0 solution, including:

  • one of the largest paint manufacturers in the world
  • one of the largest agricultural companies in the world
  • one of the largest food manufacturers in the world
  • one of the largest manufacturers of batteries in the world

All of these world leaders recognized that their current connected worker software solutions had become insufficient and that they needed a smarter, more complete solution to help them overcome their frontline workforce challenges and current business obstacles.

Here are three key takeaways you can use from these companies that went back to select a new connected worker solution:

  1. Don’t be afraid to make a change that will have a positive impact on your business, even if you are the one who made the initial decision.
  2. If you have experience choosing early connected worker tools, build on that experience. You are ideally situated to identify gaps in processes and improvement needs; and know best which tools to use to address the overall operational needs of the business.
  3. Use your prior experiences to build processes for re-evaluating connected worker solutions from the perspective of already experiencing one fully deployed.

In one example, a global manufacturer invested in an early connected work tool and had been using the tech for nearly 4 years. However, once they decided they needed a new solution, they then went back to evaluate the market for the right tool. They made a list of selection criteria they knew they wanted from this new solution, from that they looked at approximately fifteen (15) connected worker vendors, and from there they narrowed down to the three (3) they ended up testing. They even included having a couple of integrations in their POC as they knew that an integration into their ERP, Quality Management, and Asset Management systems was something they needed, and they had poor experiences previously with vendors overcommitting.

Pro Tip

We suggest anyone evaluating a technology use this same approach – include integrations as part of your Proof-of-Concept to ensure that you are not getting hypothetical answers to hypothetical questions, and that the solution meets your true business needs.

What our customers tell us

Here is what customers are telling us they are looking for in a V2.0 connected worker solution, and the reasons they changed to Augmentir’s Connected Worker Platform:

  1. Ease of Use: Augmentir prioritizes a user-friendly experience. Its intuitive interface and workflow builder makes it easy for employees to adopt and use the tool effectively. This can result in faster onboarding and increased overall productivity.
  2. Augmented, Personalized Work Instructions: Augmentir provides a workflow and content creation environment that allows you to digitize standardized work instructions, and adjust content and in-line training to suit the needs of individual workers.  This optimizes performance and speeds up onboarding time for new employees.
  3. Upskilling and Reskilling: Augmentir’s ability to deliver formal skills and learning in the flow of work means a worker can stay current in their needs, continue to grow in their role, and build a structured career path within their company. This approach appears to be driving increased retention and job satisfaction.
  4. Workforce Optimization: Augmentir’s ability to assess in real time who is available to work on any given day and then balance the skill level best suited for a task with the available workforce offers optimal productivity based upon what you have to work with on any given day.
  5. Digitizing Complex Workflows: Most solutions on the market allow you to digitize simple workflows. With Augmentir, manufacturers can build complex workflows that satisfy use cases that are unique to their business, and extend those workflows to support greater integration into their business processes.
  6. Industrial Collaboration: Augmentir enables remote collaboration among workers and experts. This functionality is particularly useful when experts are not physically present at the job site. Remote experts can guide workers through AR annotations and audio/video communication, fostering knowledge sharing and faster problem resolution.
  7. Continuous Improvement: Augmentir focuses on driving continuous improvement within organizations. It leverages AI to analyze data from worker interactions and identifies areas for improvement. This data-driven approach allows companies to optimize processes, increase productivity, and reduce costs over time.
  8. Integration and Scalability: Augmentir offers integration capabilities with existing enterprise systems, such as enterprise resource planning (ERP) or manufacturing execution systems (MES). This ensures seamless data exchange and workflow integration. Additionally, Augmentir is designed to scale with the organization’s needs, accommodating both small teams and large enterprises.
  9. Analytics and Insights: Augmentir provides robust analytics and reporting features driven by AI-powered solutions and focuses on AI as a core component of Connected Worker V2.0. This allows managers and supervisors to gain valuable insights into worker performance, task completion times, and areas that may require additional training or support. Data-driven analytics can aid in identifying bottlenecks, optimizing processes, and making informed business decisions.
  10. Customization and Flexibility: Augmentir allows organizations to customize their work instructions and workflows to fit their specific needs. This flexibility enables the tool to adapt to different industries, processes, and work environments.


If you are interested in learning for yourself why companies are choosing to change to Augmentir over their current connected worker solution – reach out to book a demo.


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